Vendor Applications
Vendor Applications are now CLOSED for the 2024 Season.
If you have an exceptional product that you feel would significantly enhance the farmers' market, or if you have fits into one of the following categories, please reach out to us! .
- Farm products
- Vegetables
- Berries
- Mushrooms
- Cheese
Things to keep in mind:
- All products sold at the Regina Farmers’ Market must be made, baked, grown, or designed in Saskatchewan.
- The RFM accepts a limited number of new vendors each year, and applications will be assessed in the order they are received. Therefore, we strongly encourage applicants to apply as early in the applications cycle as possible.
- All RFM Applicants selling food products will be assessed by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA). We encourage applicants to contact a Public Health Inspector to discuss their business plans and ensure they will meet the SHA regulations before applying to the RFM. Reach out to the SHA directly through their website.
Why join Regina Farmers’ Market?
- Vendors gain access to all RFM events including indoor markets, outdoor markets and special events.
- We take bookings and penalty-free cancellations up until noon the day before a market.
- Vendors may attend as many or as few markets as their schedule permits.
- Full-time vendors have their own unique vendor page in our online Vendor Directory, which tells the story of their business, describes their products, and allows customers to make direct contact with them.
- We promote vendors through our print promotion, website and social media to thousands of RFM customers.
- RFM helps grow businesses from the ground up! We take an active role in supporting our vendors, and many successful businesses get their start at RFM and go on to great things!
- Vendors become part of a respected community of Saskatchewan producers with a long history (over 45 years!) of bringing the best products in the province to Regina shoppers.
Please direct all questions related to the RFM Applications Process to
No phone calls, please.