SHA Approvals

Ensuring Food Safety at the Regina Farmers' Market

All food/beverage products brought to and sold at the Regina Farmers' Market (RFM) MUST be pre-approved by Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA). The RFM works closesly with our SHA food inspector to ensure the market is offering high quality and food safe products to the community at all times. As a new vendor, all products/categories* intended to sell at the RFM will be submitted during the application process for approval to SHA. 

*Category Example #1) Baker who makes cookies: Apply to sell 'cookies' as a category - this will include all different assortments of cookies. 

*Category Example #2) Baker who makes cookies and cheesecakes: Apply to sell x2 categories: 1) 'cookies' and 2) 'cheesecakes'

SHA Approval Process + Forms

1) Complete + Submit: SHA Form - Permission to Use | This form documents/proves the applicant is preparing foods in an approved kitchen

2a) Complete + Submit: SHA Form - Permission to Vend | This form is a request to SHA to approve the product(s)/category(ies) an applicant would like to bring to the market. 

2b) Attach ingredients list(s) + recipe(s) | These are for SHA to review and ensure a food-safe process is being implemented. Please note meat and dairy products are considered high risk ingredients and some refinement to storage processing may be required. 

*For confidential recipes please indicate on application or contact  to arrange this step. 

Optional Sampling at your Booth

Some vendors set up their booth with plans to offer samples of their products and are very successful. If you are interested in offering samples, there is an SHA form to submit to verify sampling your item is a food-safe practice. This form is ONLY if you are interested in offering samples at your booth: 

1) Complete + Submit: SHA Form - Permission to Sample | This form is a request to SHA to approve the products and process for offering samples at your booth

SHA Form Access

All SHA forms are available to download at their respective links above.

All completed forms can be included with your online application or e-mailed to  with subject line: SHA Forms- (Insert your business name)