Existing Vendors
Here is everything you need to know (and then some!) about being part of the Regina Farmers' Market Co-operative:
Additional Product Application: vendors wishing to add something new to their approved products must complete this form.
RFM Vendor Handbook: includes our rules, regulations, guidelines and information about vendor at the farmers' market.
RFM Bylaws: the document that guides the governance of the RFM.
RFM Product Presentation & Labeling Policy: everything you need to know about labeling your products.
RFM Social Media & Digital Marketing Guidelines - our guidelines for working together to to promote the RFM using social media, including instructions, tips & tricks!
Canopy Safety 101: tips for setting up safely at outdoor markets.
The Co-operatives Act of Saskatchewan: the legal framework that governs co-operatives like the RFM.
RFM Vendor Agreement: the agreement between the RFM Co-operative and our vendors.
RFM Feedback Policy & Process: the process the RFM uses to monitor and respond to feedback.
RFM Feedback Form: the form to use if you have feedback to share.
RFM Strategic Plan: The RFM's future vision, goals, and objectives.
SHA Sampling Application: the form to use if you wish to sample food at the RFM. Return completed forms to