Street Beets May 24th, 2014: Fairs, Fighting, and New Vendors!

Big news, big article of course. So let’s get started! We will be open until 4pm in partnership with UFC.
We will be sharing the Plaza with UFC tomorrow (! They started their set up on Thursday night. There are many interactive displays. They will be showing their MMA skills on the Plaza Stage, testing your punch strength (go show them how tough you are, you eat all your veggies right?), and autograph/photo sessions with UFC fighters. Pretty cool right? I’m going to get one to pose with a tomato for sure. They kindly asked us to stay until 4pm (we’re awesome, people love hanging out with us) and we said yes. Check out their event page here:
New vendors starting their first Market tomorrow: Sprout Catering is a new company already making a splash on the scene! Chef Jssel Blackmore will be making canned goods, frozen meals, salads, baking. The company is the winner of the 2013 Mustard Fest with an amazing taste (I know, I was there!) Three Farmers Camelina Oil is high quality, healthy, and great cooking, dipping, or dressing oils. It is the only cold pressed artisanal oil of its kind. They will be presented by The Green Ranch at the Market. Born, Baked, and Bread will provide cupcakes, red velvet brownies, homemade marshmallows, baking supplies (like smoked salt, flavoured sugars), and lots of other pretty and tasty baking.
Lastly, there is the wonderful Cathedral Village Arts Festival Street Fair tomorrow. 8 blocks of artists, food and local business. Many of our Market vendors go to this sale as well. I have a real soft spot for this Street Fair as I ran it for 8 years. I owe much of the amazing changes that have happened to the Market to all that I learned coordinating the Street Fair. It has always had a certain relaxed and fun feel as the first big sale of the year. I hope you go visit after you hit up the Market. If you have never been to it before you’ll be floored at the selection of handmade goods. You can find it down 13th Avenue in the Cathedral Village.
See you tomorrow 9am to 4pm, 12th Avenue & Scarth Street. Ada