2015 Celebrity Poutine Eating Contest News & Rules!

That is some serious poutine goodness! The Celebrity Poutine Eating Contest had it's first contest last year. A French canadian actually won it. We are looking forward to this year. I heard there might be some Roughriding contestants this time! Contest will start at 6pm on the center Plaza Stage. Bring your sense of humour.
Normally you couldn’t pay me enough money to be part of an eating contest, but apparently it is a cool thing. This year as well, the contestants may have to watch out as I am pregnant and might eat their poutine! Something about an eating contest brings out the vicious competitive spirit or maybe just their empty stomachs ready for free food? What follows are THE RULES. There have been complaints amongst some competitors about Rule 4, I say I will just be more vigilant! There is a new rule this year, please refer to Rule 5. It is all in good fun.
Celebrity Poutine Eating Contestant Rules:
1. Contestants will eat poutine from Mr. Spudds Poutiniere. He will provide a classic Montreal Poutine with curds in the container the Marketing Manager has selected. The poutine will be all the same size and approximately the same weight.
2. You are to meet Marketing Manager at the Plaza Stage by 5:55pm with your empty stomach on Thursday's Market under the Stars on July 30th, 2015.
3. Contestants will choose a number and an eating utensil will be selected from a box. You must eat with this utensil.
4. Contestants may cheat! But if the Marketing Manager catches them cheating they will be disqualified from the contest!
5. You may sabotage other contestants but if the Marketing Manager catches you, you will be disqualified.
6. Whoever eats one whole entire poutine first is the winner! Note: the poutine must be EATEN!
Our new Market friend Deannna Brown Canada Season 2, Top 25 contestant on Master Chef, plus cool mommy will be the co-MC along with me! Thank you so much Deanna for volunteering!
It will be a great time! Can't wait to see you all there! Best of luck to our contestants! Ada