40 Years of RFM; 40 Best Customers - #12

In celebration of the RFM’s 40th Anniversary, we’re giving our vendors the opportunity to nominate and reward Best Customers. This allows our vendors to show appreciation for special customers that have supported them on their endeavours. Not every day is an amazing day at the Market, but these customers show up rain-or-shine.
40 years is a long time for any organization to be around, and it’s a lot of time for things to grow stagnant. RFM, however, is still thriving; we have never been more relevant and more loved than we are today. The Market family continues to grow along with customer attendance. We owe this success to the City of Regina, Regina Downtown, our vendors, and most importantly, our customers.
Please allow us to show our gratitude to 40 people in representation of thousands, with our only regret being that we can’t reward each and every person that takes the time to visit us, whether it’s once a week or once a year. Thank you.
Hi Low Angus is one of those vendors that customers like to track; customers memorize their Market attendance schedule to make sure they have first pick of the freezer when we open at 9 am. Dan, from Hi Low Angus, is easy to get along with, has the respect of all other vendors and has previously served as President of RFM. Dan was very excited to learn about 40 Years of RFM; 40 Best Customers. He has agreed to start off with one nomination, although Dan thinks he may need to be allowed 3 or 4 more. Ha!
12. Phil Ambrosi
long-time resident of Regina
retired printmaker
recovering from surgery (but that won’t keep him away from RFM!)
Phil has been a customer of RFM “since the beginning” and enjoys coming to every Market throughout the year. His favourite items to purchase are meat (presumably from Hi Low Angus), bread and pickles. Phil would recommend his favourite items, as well as fresh produce, to a friend that has never visited RFM.
According to Phil, it’s the enjoyment of socializing with vendors and the quality of products offered that keep customers coming back to RFM year after year. If Phil ever became a vendor at RFM, he would like to sell homemade canned chicken. It may not sound like the most delicious way to prepare chicken, but it is actually quite good. Canned chicken is not something you find often, so Phil could have a popular little business!
What does Dan think of his Best Customer?
“Phil is a pleasure to visit with. His knowledge and wit [are] refreshing.”
Thank you, Phil, for being a Best Customer!