40 Years of RFM; 40 Best Customers - #15

While the management staff of RFM don’t have products to sell, they still take note of regular customers. RFM Operations Manager, Nikko, makes her way through busy markets to tend to vendors. In doing this, it’s easy to spot faces that show up every week. A couple of faces that stand out the most to Nikko are:
15. Johanna & Jayden
born & raised in Regina
independent artists
enjoy exploring the city
Johanna and Jayden have been die-hard customers of RFM for 5 years and counting. When they aren’t working or discovering “all wondrous things about this city”, they enjoy spending time at the market. Johanna and Jayden attend every Wednesday and Saturday market in the summer and as many indoor markets as possible.
Saltine Baking Co. sourdough loaves make it into Johanna and Jayden’s shopping bag on a regular basis, along with Floating Gardens’ “deeply hydrated vegetables”. I quite like that description. When asked which RFM product they would be most likely to recommend to a friend, Johanna and Jayden replied, “Honey! Try this magic elixir and you will be hooked on market living.” Ok, I REALLY like these guys!
If Johanna and Jayden ever became RFM vendors, they would likely sell bone broth, lavender shortbread (yum!) and anecdotes…erm…maybe not all at the same table. They never tire of the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the market, or the opportunity to run into familiar faces.
Johanna and Jayden had so many great things to say about RFM! It’s very much appreciated.
“Thanks for the gathering place the market creates! It feels like an important part of creating a vibrant and exciting city. Also, keep on diversifying the products. We look forward to the wild and wonderful offerings of current and future vendors!”
Thank you, Johanna and Jayden, for being Best Customers!
You can engage with Johanna (@jojobundon) and Jayden (@jaydenpfeifer) on twitter.