Bonus! Halloween Farmers' Market this Saturday, Oct. 31!

Have you heard?! This Saturday, Oct. 31 there will be a bonus Halloween Farmers’ Market at City Square Plaza!
We are welcoming gremlins and ghouls of all ages to enjoy some special covid-19-friendly Halloween treats + Farmers' Market Essentials at our last Outdoor Market of the Season.
Our Regina Farmers’ Market staff and vendors are excited to host you (at a social distance!) so you can stock up on your farmers’ market goods and attend a safe day-time Halloween activity for this Saturday, Oct. 31. Costumes are encouraged and welcome! There has never been such a great time to wear your mask and come on down to City Square Plaza!
Additionally, with your permission, our photographer Ali will be at the market taking digital photo keep-sakes of those in costume. These photos will be available via our Facebook Halloween Album which will be posted Sunday, Nov. 1 by Noon! Stop by our Info tent with more details!
Find us at 2190 Victoria Ave from 9am - 1pm.
Please Read and Plan to Follow these Halloween Safety Protocols:
(As suggested by Saskatchewan Health Authority):
- Trick-or-Treat with Vendors who have Halloween pumpkin signage at their table and at the RFM Info Booth. If you’re not sure who is participating, ask!
- Two metres distance must be maintained between individuals who are not in the same household/extended household at all times.
- No direct physical contact between trick-or-treaters and vendors.
- Vendors will have tongs or tubes to slide treats to those in costume
- Please avoid touching mouth, nose, and face. In the event of a sneeze/cough, please do so into your elbow and sanitize immediately.
- Only store-bought treats / properly sealed and packaged treats will be distributed. This allows you to wipe down goods and let sit for 72 hours prior to enjoying.
- Vendors and Guests should be using hand sanitizer frequently and throughout the market. Please accept the hand sanitizer at the entrances + exits to maintain frequent and quality hand hygiene.
- Guests should consider incorporating a cloth/fabric mask into the costume being worn.
- Common touch areas will be frequently sanitized and wiped down by vendors. (Ex. Payment machines, tongs, tables,)
- Please be patient and wait your turn. If there is a family at the vendor booth you want to stop at, please wait your turn at the indicated markers to ensure room for physical distancing.
- If you are feeling any symptoms of cold, influenza, or COVID-19-like symptoms (Fewer, cough, or breathing issues), please stay home!