Call for Holiday Night Market Volunteers

For the second year running we're holding festive Holiday Night Markets, and we need your help!
This year we have two Holiday Night Markets scheduled:
Thursday November 29, 5-9 pm, 445 14th Ave
Thursday December 13, 5-9 pm, 445 14th Ave
In return for each 3-hour shift, you will receive $20 in RFM Market Money and a reusable RFM tote.
We are looking for volunteer support for the following positions. Please note that shift times can be adapted based on your availability and the end time represents the latest you would need to stay.
Volunteer Positions:
1) Welcome Table - Main Entrance (2 volunteers)
Shift: 4:30-9:30 pm
Duties: welcome customers to the market, take donations, count customers, answer basic questions about the event, assist with event take-down2) Welcome Table - Licensed Area (3 volunteers)
Shift: 4:30-9:30 pm
Duties: sell tickets for the purchase of alcoholic beverages, check customer IDs and give hand stamps, answer basic questions about the event, assist with event take-down3) Licensed Area - Monitors (3 volunteers)
Shift: 5:00-9:30 pm
Duties: monitor licensed area for underage drinking, over-pouring, intoxication4) Elves for kids shopping area (5 volunteers)
Shift: 4:30-9:30 p.m.
Duties: assist kids with secret holiday shopping, wrap gifts, assist with event clean up5) Environment (2 volunteers)
Shift: 4:30-9:30 p.m.
Duties: Clear and wipe down food service tables, check garbages and washrooms, assist with event clean up6) RFM Merchandise table (1 volunteer)
Shift: 4:30-9:30 p.m.
Duties: Assist RFM staff with selling merchandise and answering customer inquiries, assist with event take-down
Please let us know if you are able to help out with any of these opportunities. Additionally, please help us spread the word about these volunteer opportunities!
For more informaiton, please contact Holly Laird, RFM Operations Manager, at [email protected] or (306) 209-1130