Celebrity Perogy Eating Contest Rules!

First allow me to thank so many people for their interest in the Perogy Eating Contest. We have people famous in Regina Media circles, politicos, Regina Downtown reps, Foodie Reporters, and even yes a Miss Canada winner! Something about an eating contest brings out the vicious competitive spirit or maybe just their empty stomachs ready for free food? What follows are THE RULES. Really major rules, actually no just rules to make it more fun and tongue in cheek (plus perogies in tummy)...
Celebrity Pie Eating Contestant Rules
1) Contestants will eat perogies from Yorkton Bakers. It is special recipe from Ron's mother Anna of cheddar potato. You will have butter only (no frying pans on the Plaza for onions). You will be provided with 36 perogies each.
2) Contestants will choose a number and an eating utensil will be selected from a bag. You must eat with this utensil.
3) Contestants may cheat! But if the Manager catches them cheating they will be disqualified from the contest!
4) Whoever eats one whole entire 36 perogies first is the winner! Note: the perogies must be EATEN!
5) A fifth rule was added for the benefit of some fashionable contestants. You may wear a kilt or hat for the Celebrity Perogy Eating Contest.
The Celebrity Eating Contests is an event planned for Market under the Stars on Wednesday June 25th, 2014. Market under the Stars is a fabulous Downtown event featuring food and liquor tastings, yoga class, Celebrity Eating Contests, Sepak Takraw, Cinema under the Stars, plus over 45 to 60 Regina Farmers' Market vendors too! You have to see it to believe it. City Square Plaza, 4pm to 9pm on Wednesday! See you there, you won't believe how much fun we are going to have! Ada