Check-in: Saturday, March 21

With this week's Farmers' Market cancellation, we are taking a moment to slow down and check-in.
Like you, our RFM Team finds ourselves in an unfamiliar situation. A normal Saturday you will find us buzzing around hosting our weekly Indoor Farmers' Market. This week is a little different.
Despite cancelling our March 21 and March 28 Markets to ensure quality and safety, we have chosen to focus on our "Have's" rather than our "Have-not's."
Our "Have's":
- VENDORS: Many of our Farmers, Bakers, Artisans, and Vendors have truly stepped up at this time and continue to provide their Market Essentials with Safe Drop-off and Delivery Options. Many of which are operating from their family homes and continue to give and provide at a trying time in our communities.
- Get In The Loop PARTNERSHIP: We began this partnership less than a month ago and they have been working hard to promote and support local, Regina businesses in lieu of the Global Pandemic. If you haven't already downloaded their Free App, we recommend you check out what they are doing at this time. This includes a chance to win contests to other Regina-based, local businesses.
- CUSTOMERS: Your kind words and support through social media, e-mails, and at last week's Farmers' Market do not go unnoticed. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate these unfamiliar circumstances.
- BOARD OF DIRECTORS:In lieu of the uncertainty we have relied on your decisions and timely responses as new information becomes available.
- RFM TEAM: We found out uncertainty was brewing and rather than complaining or waiting to see what happens our RFM Staff pro-actively showed up with what can we do and how can we help attitudes.
- TIME: We have leaned into the unknown and embraced the COVID-19 chaos. Our gift? We have time. Time to innovate. Time to orchestrate. Time to return to the community even better.
Although we are at home on a Saturday morning (weird?!), you can be assured we are behind the scenes preparing something special for you. We will continue to keep you up to date as more information becomes available. But until then, enjoy your time at home and remember to wash your hands.
We are looking forward to seeing you (when it's safe!) at the Farmers' Market!
Happy Saturday, and stay tuned!