July 13 Map & Market Highlights

We're still in saskatoon berry season! If you're looking to buy berries, make sure you get to the market EARLY tomorrow. It's a popular item, naturally, and vendors will likely sell out of everything they bring. You can find saskatoons at Country Breeze Farms, Loon Creek Saskatoons, Rocky Acres Orchard, Over the Hill Orchard (wild ones!), and Heliotrope Organic Farm.
These curry chicken steamed buns were a highlight at Market Under the Stars last Thursday night. Because Cheang's Sinofood sells them frozen at regular markets, it was a novelty to have them served warm. As well, it was a great way for people to sample the steamed buns if they hadn't been brave enough to purchase frozen ones. More steamed buns are on the menu for Market Under the Stars coming up on July 21!
At every Market Under the Stars, Secret Tasting Judges make their rounds and then choose a favourite Taste. When we tallied up the results this time, Nacho Fiesta was the winner! Those chicken tacos with marinated Southland Colony chicken were a huge hit, as was the taco salad. The nacho truck will now proudly display their Best Taste Award wooden spoon for all to see, right next to the Best Taste Award from last year!
Over the Hill Orchards will be in with wild saskatoon berries (as noted above), but will also be bringing their Saskatchewan grown cherries, strawberries and apricots! Dressed by Les, Earthy Artisan, Eat Simply, Golden Prairie Wild Boar, Rosie the Flower Truck, and Yorkton Bakers are back in.
Food trucks: Baba's Food Spot, Bon Burger, Nacho Fiesta, and Prairie Smoke & Spice BBQ.
Here's the complete LIST of vendors in attendance as well as the Market MAP.
The second Market Under the Stars of 2016 is next week! Join us on the Plaza Thursday, July 21 from 5 pm to 10 pm for food and liquor tasting, live music, salsa dancing, yoga, and shopping with market vendors. A new Market Under the Stars blog post including updated menu and map will be posted shortly.
See you at market!