July 23 Map & Much Thanks

Regina, you're awesome! Market Under the Stars on July 7 was great, but Market Under the Stars on July 21 was even better! Many food Tastes were served, liquor Tastes were especially refreshing, performances by both Nick Faye and The Alley Dawgs were enjoyed, and the pie eating contest was thoroughly entertaining. And how about that pie eating contest! Sabeen Ahmed (of CTV) finished first, but the crowd chose second place Jill Slater (of News Talk CJME) as the winner. Witnesses reported excessive cheating by both parties, which means only one thing – Sabeen and Jill must face-off at the next Market Under the Stars!
The third and final Market Under the Stars of 2016 is set for August 25. Help us say good-bye to summer with the last event in downtown Regina! Scott Richmond and Tiny will be on the concert stage. More details coming soon!
Think back, way back, to the last time you got a fresh pour-over coffee on the Plaza. It's been two years since the Wheelie Good Coffee cart has been seen at RFM! If you missed it as much as we did, you'll be happy to know that Wheelie Good Coffee is returning TOMORROW!
Asher Designs, Golden Prairie Wild Boar, Hi Low Angus, Loon Creek Saskatoons, Loretta's Distinctive Jewellery, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, Pure T Organics, Rusty's Wild Rice, Salsa Fresca, Sharon's Pies & More, and ZMZ Smithing will all be in attendance tomorrow.
Food trucks: Baba's Food Spot, Bon Burger and Prairie Smoke.
For a full list of vendors attending market tomorrow, refer to the Vendor LIST. Take a look at the Market MAP for vendor locations.
See you at market!