July 6 Map & Saskatoon Berries!

The berries that Saskatchewanians wait so impatiently for are finally here, and they're early! Heliotrope Organic Farm was the first to bring them to market (this past Saturday) and they’ll have more tomorrow. Because saskatoons are ready and other berries aren't far behind, Country Breeze Farms is starting their market season early. Rocky Acres Orchard will also be bringing saskatoon berries. FYI, they have a u-pick berry farm, if you prefer to pick your own.
Shortly after saskatoons are ready, vendors will have products made with fresh berries instead of frozen. It’s time to get excited for fresh saskatoon berry pie, tarts, crisp, jam, syrup, muffins, and cinnamon buns!
Country Breeze Farms, PixieWinkle Jewelry, Rocky Acres Orchard, Saltine Baking Company, and Waldeck Colony are in for their first Wednesday of the year. Bandana Girls Granola, Ottenbreit's Meats, Prairie Engraving, and Thrive Juice Co. are back.
Food trucks: Baba's Food Spot, Bon Burger, Mr. Spudd's Poutinerie, Nacho Fiesta, and Prairie Smoke & Spice BBQ.
Take a look at the Vendor LIST to see all vendors in attendance and the Market MAP to see where they'll be.
DON'T FORGET: Market Under the Stars is this Thursday, July 7! Join us for local food and liquor tasting, live music, yoga, salsa dancing, and shopping. 5 - 10 pm on City Square Plaza. Click HERE for everything you need to know, including the menu and map.
See you at market!