Market under the Stars #2: Bigger and better!

Yes, it is TRUE! You spoke and we listened! Thank you so much for your many e-mails and messages of support for this new, wonderful event: Market under the Stars! Our Marketing Committee met and with the Board of Director's approval we have decided on two more Thursday night dates this year. August 29th and September 26th equal tastings, fun, and a night of surprises!
Some changes we have made based on your great feedback. There will be no more tickets for food. Tastes will be $4 and under paid at the food purveyors’ booth. Tickets for alcohol tastes must remain and will be $2.50. We have more interest from local restaurants and our food trucks will be better prepared for your huge attendance! More food! Our partner, Regina Downtown, will be putting on Yoga in the Park by Bodhi Tree Yoga and Salsa on the Plaza by Regina Salseros. It was something else to see so many people learning yoga and salsa dancing. It felt so good to see you all as a community, enjoying the Plaza that night.
The other big news is the Celebrity Pie Eating Contest. Big local names will go up against the big, bad winner of the 2012 Pie Eating Contest- Vance Lester of Living Sky Winery. He's in top fighting condition, it is going to take a strong stomach to beat him. Newspaper reporters, a chef, news reporters and anchors, and some Market celebrities will go up against him. Stay tuned to @MarketRegina on twitter for updates.
If you would like to download a poster for your office, apartment building, fitness center here it is. Also you can read the Media Release for more details here. Ada