Market under the Stars Contest and News!

Do you want to win this set of two tickets worth $40.00 for the coolest event in the city, Market under the Stars? All you have to do is ensure you like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, and then share the post about Market under the Stars. You must be 19 or older to win. You'll be randomly selected and the winner will be announced on July 14th! It'll be the perfect date night out. Each set of tickets entitles you to 6 tastes from our Tasting Booths, Food Trucks, and Liquor Tent. Believe me these Tasting Areas are generous enough that you will be full on this set of tickets! I have seen the menu plans for the first Market under the Stars on July 16th. You are in for some deliciousness! Below are all the dates on our Market under the Stars Poster.

What is Market under the Stars? It is a celebration of the best local food and drink in Regina, a regular Market with RFM Vendors and their high quality wares, a display of our friendship with Regina Downtown BID with their events, fun eating competitions, and tastings. It is a relaxing time for all ages, but many couples decide to use it as a date night out. I had the joy of following two attenders last year and seeing it through their eyes made me even more fully appreciate what an experience it is! If you have never attended here is a short youTube made by our friend Josh Vogt. If you have been to one, you never know, you might actually be in it!
So far we have a dozen vendors in the Tasting Area. They must all use a local component from the Market in their tastes. They are only allowed to charge one to two tickets per taste so you get a chance to experience a few different flavours. The pours in the Liquor Tent are tasting pours, 1/2 oz for hard liquor, 2 ounces for wine, and 4 ounces for beer. Last Mountain Distillery, Living Sky Winery, and Rebellion Brewery are your tastes and servers for the evening. We will be running an Celebrity Eating Contest, the first one to complete a pie will be the winner! Of course all in good fun we have some twists and turns to this contest!
Finally, we cannot thank our dear partners Regina Downtown BID enough for all the hard work, amazing events, and staff hours put into this event. Remember this year we have put the event on Thursdays. This is so we can pair with Regina Downtown Concert Series which we think will be a wonderful fit with the evening's other programming. The evening events will go as follows:
All of these events are free to the public. Get out there and enjoy! We can't wait to see you. Ada