We're excited to be moving back into the warm and cozy Wa Wa Shrine Centre for our fall season, and even more excited to share a few changes to our indoor markets! The most notable change will be the use of the lower level, in addition to the upper level we've used previously.
The Shrine Centre is at 2065 Hamilton St. Indoor markets will occur every Saturday (no Wednesday markets), 9 am to 1 pm, all the way to December 17. Park for free in the SaskPower parking lot across the street.
What will you find downstairs?
hot Market Meals
hot coffee and tea
RFM vendors
RFM Kids' Club
One of the things we miss most about markets on the Plaza is the option to grab something for lunch and have a seat near the park. While we aren't able to bring the park to the Shrine Centre, we are able to provide lunch and a place to relax! Head downstairs to try something off the Market Meals menu (full of delicious options from our vendors) and pull up a chair.
Siumai (4) & BBQ pork steamed bun...$8 (by Cheang's Sinofood)
Empanadas (2, chorizo or vegetarian) with salsa...$8 (by Latino Bake Shop and Trogi Foods)
Borscht with bread...$6 (by Eat Simply, Saltine Baking Co. and Craibstone Creamery)
Upper level - 33 1/3 Coffee Roasters and Cuppa' T'
Lower level - Wheelie Good Coffee
Even if you're in no need of lunch, make sure to visit these awesome vendors on the lower level:
Sadza Arts & Craft
Clark's Spices
Averlis Foods
ZMZ Smithing
Rousay Station
South Valley Farm
Reem's Kitchen
J9's Tiny Farm
Cake Witch Cafe
Stellar Gourmet Mushrooms
Saltine Baking Co.
Wheelie Good Coffee
Every Saturday, there will be a new craft to keep the little ones occupied. Tomorrow, kids will be making black cats out of recycled toilet paper rolls! The Kids' Club table can be found on the lower level and crafts are free for all ages.
If you have a question or comment, you can find us at our new "Info Tent" in the coat check near the entrance to the upper level. This is also the place to go if you're looking for one of our awesome market t-shirts printed by Articulate Ink. The first design (tomatoes on black) was popular, and now we've moved on to pumpkins on grey shirts. We won't know what comes next until the pumpkins are gone! Shirts are available for $25 each, sizes S - XXL.
There will be 50 vendors at our first indoor market tomorrow! To find out which ones, see the Vendor LIST. For vendor locations, see the Market MAP (two pages!). While The Garlic Garden is not in attendance, you'll be able to purchase their garlic via the Yorkton Bakers.
It may be fall, but we still have lots of veggies to offer. There will be 5 vegetable producers in attendance, listed below.
Frontier Gardens (first market of 2016!)
Heliotrope Organic Farm (outside, near entrance)
Floating Gardens
Miller's By-Gone Farm
Rocky Acres Orchard (also, frozen saskatoon berries)
See you at market!