Restrictions Lifting + Operations Update: July 11

Restrictions Lifting + Operations Update: July 11
Effective July 11, the government of Saskatchewan is lifting all restrictions previously in place due to COVID-19. As a result of this decision, you can expect to find a few changes at the Regina Farmers' Market beginning Wednesday, July 14.
The topic most folks are inquiring about is Face Coverings.
Face coverings will shift from being required to being Welcome! If you are feeling unwell or are displaying symptoms of covid-19, we still request you stay home or use the RFM Online Store.
Busker Season
With restrictions lifting, buskers are now also welcome to attend the Regina Farmers’ Market for the 2021 Season. For more information on getting started, please visit our updated page here.
Re-usable Tote Bags:
We encourage customers to remember to bring your re-usable tote bags to the Regina Farmers’ Market! For good practice, we recommend washing them/ wiping them down between usages.
Hand Sanitizer + Increased cleaning:
Although not required, the Regina Farmers’ Market will continue to offer hand sanitizer at both entrances of the Regina Farmers’ Market. Our extra cleaning processes will also remain in effect.
Washroom Access:
Porta-potties will continue to be accessible throughout the 2021 open-air market season. In addition, at 10am the Regina Public Library and Cornwall Mall also offer public washroom access
Water-bottle Refill Stations:
During the summer months, the Regina Public Library and the Regina Downtown Business Improvement District will offer free water-bottle refill stations.
Traffic Control:
The orange flagging tape perimeter will be relaxed, however for now the middle row of stations and one-way flow of traffic at the market will continue to be set-up for additional spacing.
RFM Online Store:
The RFM Online Store is still expected to continue operating year-round servicing home delivery, drive-through pick-up and City Square Plaza pick-up (while markets are on) on Saturdays.
If you have any questions or concerns with these changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] or ask for one of our managers at the Info Booth. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
- The RFM Team