RFM's Response to the Plastic Bag Ban!

Plastic waste is an increasingly apparent problem — negatively impacting our water systems, wildlife, and even our own health.
To help combat the effects of plastic pollution in our community The Regina City Council approved the Plastic Checkout Bag Ban Bylaw in July 2020 to prevent the distribution of single-use checkout bags.
While the bylaw will not be taking effect during the pandemic, the RFM has already begun to phase out single-use plastics. Free, reusable tote bags are available at vendor booths and at the RFM info tent! Pick one up and bring it back each time for our vendors to fill at the market!
This ban does not apply to the packaging of the product and focuses on eliminating single-use bags used to carry purchases.
For more information about Regina’s Plastic Bag Ban visit: https://www.regina.ca/home-property/recycling-garbage/recycling/plastic/
You can also view the full Bylaw Here: http://open.regina.ca/dataset/bylaw-no-2020-49-the-plastic-checkout-bag-ban-bylaw
Keep an eye out for The City of Regina booth at markets to learn more about waste management, reduction, and sustainability in The City of Regina!