Street Beets April 10th, 2015: Spring is in the air!

Hello everyone!
All that snow has melted, thank goodness! It's hard to believe it is only three weeks away until this happens:

Yes, we will be having Plaza Markets starting May 2nd, and then we will be right back into our Wednersday and Saturday schedule. Lots of phone calls and e-mails come in about this. It is nice to hear the excitement. They miss walking outside and visiting the food trucks.
Until then however, we have the Downtown Markets at 2065 Hamilton Street (the Shrine Center), 9am to 1pm, Saturdays only. There is plenty of free parking across the street in the back SaskPower Parking Lot.
Last week Miller`s By Gone Farm was in with a lamb named Cadbury, she was a hit. What a sweet girl. You never know she may make a reappearance! This week the Yorkton Bakers and Soup...Simply are in. Lorraines Kitchen, Mother Hubbard`s Cupboard, and Rousay Station have booked out. Don`t forget to pick up some fresh coffee from 33 1/3 Coffee at the back of the hall. Eric might be back from his trip to Costa Rica, you should ask him how it was! Here is a PDF copy of this week's map if you like to look at it closer! Ada