Street Beet July 14, 2015: Roasted Nuts, Protein Pizzas, and Zuchinnis

So, Lincoln Gardens is now in for the rest of the summer! This is just the tip of the iceberg of the gorgeous zucchinis they had for sale the last Market. These are yellow and dark purple. They had striped Italian zucchini too. There are slight variances in flavour and texture with different colors. My favorite way to eat them when they are this size is fried in butter with parmesan and basil at the finish. The parmesan melts, basil smell fills the air. Love it! Perfect summer side dish!

New on the Plaza, just approved! A Greek style pizza from Muscle Panda! What is special about this one is that it is high protein. The crust is made with yogurt, there is plenty of ham, chicken, spinach and a tomato sauce! Super healthy, frozen, just defrost and warm. Supper is done and good for you! He sells a variety of healthy, protein rich baking and drinks. You can still feel like you are having a treat but eating to build muscle!

Another cool new product for the Market: Pea Flour from Pure T Organics! Very fine, $15 for a 1.5 kilogram package, and grown locally by them! This is another great gluten free and super healthy product on the Plaza. He plans to add more grain and legume flours as demand increases. Get experimenting with your baking!

Tomorrow's Market is a big one again. I am getting more feedback that you love this map, so I will keep on posting! Back again after a long hiatus is Name Your Nuts. Almost all the food trucks are in tomrrow, they sure like you Downtown workers! Meat will be available at Miller's By Gone Farm, Golden Prairie Wild Board, and Ottenbreit's Meats. Here is a PDF of the map, just click here and zoom in to see the booths better than the picture above! Thank everyone. Remember, Market under the Stars has moved to Thursday nights, with our first one starting July 16th, 2015! See you tomorrow AND Thursday! Ada