Street Beets August 10th, 2013: Open until noon only, and a letter from a customer

Good Morning Market fans! Today we will be open from 9 to 12 noon to make way for the Regina Folk Fest Art Market! Some vendors will be open until 1 pm on 1900 Block Scarth Street with vegetables, food trucks, specialty items, and fruit. Come out and see us on City Square Plaza!
I received this after the Market under the Stars from a lovely customer and she gave her permission for me to share:
Dear Ada
I want to thank you and your organization for putting on what I hope is the inaugural "Night Market" last Thursday, July 25.
I went after work and enjoyed myself thoroughly. I planned for supper at the food trucks and that was a delight in itself. I sat at a table with strangers to enjoy my meal and a glass of wine and we soon became adventurers together, sharing in what our city and rural areas have to offer - comparing tastes, smells and impressions. Bravo.
The yoga was amazing and unfortunately, while I couldn't stay for the Salsa, I hope to the next time.
I loved that the market focused on the smaller independent producers who sometimes get lost on the normal Saturday market with all the big players. I bought a little from a lot of people and chatted with many more.
So again, kudos and bravo! What a way to expand the delights of our city.
Many thanks,
Laurie Swift
Many of you commented on our Night Market, really loving it! Thank you so much for your support and encouragment! Until next time! Ada