Street Beets August 12th, 2015: Trudeau, Map and Market Under the Stars Contest WINNER!

Regina Farmers' Market will be host to a special visitor tomorrow, Justin Trudeau! We're incredibly honoured to be on his list of places to visit, and we can't wait to show off the best of our market! Feel free to attend the media scrum on the Plaza at 9:30 am if you wish to witness Trudeau in action. Although the visit will be short, be prepared for an abnormally busy market.
I'm very excited to announce that the winner of our Market Under the Stars Contest is Facebook user, Ashley Stovin Ritter! Ashley won 2 sets of 6 Tasting Tickets for Market Under the Stars on August 13th, 2015, by liking our Facebook page and then sharing the contest post. Stay tuned, as there will be another contest next week for the August 27th Market Under the Stars.
If you didn't win, you can purchase Tasting Tickets at the Ticket Tent (located in the center of the Plaza, cash only) while Market Under the Stars is underway.
CLICK HERE to see the Vendor Map. Zoom in to read vendor names. Please be aware that some vendors have been moved slightly to accomodate the media scrum area. New vendor, Martha's Garden, will be on Scarth. The Garlic Garden is in. See you at Market!