Street Beets August 19th, 2013: A toast to the Plaza

Global News came out to the Market to interview some of us about our record breaking Market last Wednesday. It was record breaking because we broke a barrier of over 70 vendors. Here is the article. The type of Market we are running now is unprecedented. I am so proud of what this Market has become! Especially the last five months. We have a Strategic Plan, a business minded Board, awesome Management Team, and the best Market vendors a Manager could ask for. The positivity continues to flow. Regina has shown their love for the changes by attending in huge numbers. The vendors have responded by attending more Markets and trying days they usually don't. The vendors are happier, have settled in after a couple of trying moves over the past few years.
We recognize our importance to the life of Downtown. We help to make it an active and healthy space. We put on a positive, family friendly, customer friendly event. That does not mean we don't recognize how grateful we should be for the beautiful space we have been given. The Plaza is ultimately controlled by The City and belongs to the people. We are pleased to offer 60 high quality events per year and we respect the care and cleanliness of the space. This is our most important Downtown asset. Regina sharing, Regina people, Market fans, Regina's other events. The Plaza is our community, and boy is our community putting on a show!
Imagine this, we are only going to get better! Regina is changing and growing and so are we. You finally have the Market you as Regina always deserved. A toast of Living Sky locally produced wine to the best year of our 25 years Downtown! A toast to City Square Plaza! Ada