Street Beets August 22nd, 2015: Street Benny, Market Baby, Wild Rice, and Map!

Everything at the Crave Food Truck is awesome, but one dish in particular is a stand-out for me. It's called Street Benny, a mobile-kitchen-friendly update on the traditional eggs benedict.
Street Benny is like eggs benedict's rebellious teenage grandchild; it's a badass scotch egg, a stick in the craw of the classic poached. A soft-cooked egg is surrounded in chicken sausage, then wrapped in an Asian style steamed bun, smothered in a tangy camelina #hollandaise and finally, garnished according to the season's offerings.
This work of genius is not something you will regret tasting. The Crave Food Truck will be back on Wednesday, with Street Benny aboard!
Congratulations is in order for Ada (the Marketing Manager on maternity leave) and her husband, Dave. Their family now includes a brand new baby boy! His name is Caderyn and he really didn't want to come out, but we're all happy that he's finally here. Vendors - remember August 20th, because I'm sure you're all going to want to spoil him on his birthday!
Love Rusty's Wild Rice? Buy a shirt! The back says, "Keeping the WILD in wild rice since 1980!"
Rusty's Wild Rice is Saskatchewan grown and certified organic. If you don't know what to make with it, check out the "Wild Rice Girl" Facebook page for recipes. Sam (the wild rice girl and our headless model) has introduced gift jars of wild rice (pictured), but don't be afraid to buy the large bag; when kept dry, wild rice has a shelf-life of 10 years!
CLICK HERE for the Vendor Map. Zoom in to see vendor names. Unfortunately, a smaller market should be expected and vendors may be in a different spot as a result. For food trucks we will have Soup Simply (perfect day!) and Beak's Chicken. Golden Prairie Wild Boar and the Yorkton Bakers are back. Pupcake Bakery and Rusty's Wild Rice are in as well.
See you at Market!