Street Beets December 5th, 2014: Poultry, Map, & Kids' Club

We begin December Markets! Here is the map of the vendors for December 6th Market at 2065 Hamilton Street, 10am to 2pm. I like to know where to find things when I go shopping, hopefully this is helpful to you!
Kids’ Club this week will be writing and decorating letters for Santa. You get to take a cool, seasonal pencil home too! Get your list ready. After you are done we will send the letter for you! Kids’ Club will be held on the stage as we are starting to get very full at floor level.
I got a call from our friends at Southland Colony. They will be coming in on December 13th, 2014 with Turkeys (average 17lbs) at 2.00/lb, Chicken (average 6lbs) at 2.50/lb, geese (average 7 lbs) and ducks (average 5lbs) at 3.00/lb. Believe me your supper will never taste so good if you buy one of these! I have had their chickens and turkeys. They are fed a healthy diet and run around doing what poultry do! I hope you make your seasonal bird a local one!
I can’t believe that the year is almost gone already. The farmers are excited to have a short break before preparing for another busy Market year. I got to admit, so am I. I look forward spending some time with my family. I hope to see you at Market. You should really say hi! Ada