Street Beets July 28th, 2015: Monster Tomato, Map, & Market under the Stars Contest Winner!

Monster tomato on the Plaza! Rick from Heliotrope Farms was telling me he has an incredible crop of tomatoes this year. He brought almost 400 lbs of heirloom tomatoes to the Market on Saturday! This big one was way huger than my hand. It had to be more than 6". It was so big in fact, that I had trouble holding it to take a picture!
Market is open Wednesday, 9am to 1pm as usual. Our special evening Market under the Stars is on Thursday, July 30th, 4pm to 9pm! The we run the Market on Saturdy too, 9am to 1pm. You would not believe what an intense week it is for the employees and vendors of the Market! But wow they are fun anbd it is so wonderful to see all of your happy faces too!
Keep in mind if you are looking for your set of 6 Tasting Tickets for $20 for Market under the Stars, they can be found at the center of the Plaza in our RFM tentthat evening. We take cash only. The winner of the July 30th Contest for two sets of Market under the Stars Tasting Tickets is Ken Racette from Facebook! Thank you all for your entries! We will have another one in about a week.

Here is tomorrow's map. When you click on that link it will take you to a PDF version of the map whichg is better for zooming in on the spots. See you tomorrow! Ada