Street Beets March 14th, 2014: Pi Day, Announcements & Market Meals!

Special Announcements:
- University Market on March 20th is closed for another booking. We will reopen on Thursday, March 27th, 10 to 2.
- Cathdral Market times are 10 to 2 on Saturdays, with the exception of March 22nd which will be 9 to 1.
I was up at 5am this morning, working, as today was PI DAY! What is Pi Day you might ask? It is the celebration of Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is roughly 3.14 and that is why it is celebrated on 3/14. So today CTV Morning Live interviewed and filmed The Cookie Lady making pie. She must have sent back at least 6 pies to the station as every guest all morning had a piece of pie! Much thanks to Carey Smith, Lindsay Dunn, Chris Hodges, and Kim Elaschuk for a great Pi Day for Laurie! I heard Kim will be picking up her finished pie tomorrow at the Market.
Speaking of Market: Do NOT eat breakfast or lunch until you have tried the offerings from Going with the Grain, 33 1/3 Coffee, and Soup...Simply. Larry from Going with the Grain offers a variety of locally sourced breakfast items. The wild boar bacon from Golden Prairie Wild Boar has turned me into a convert! Wild Boar bacon it is! He bought from Farmgate Foods for eggs, Rocky Acres Orchards for spread, and his own fresh baked breads. Impressively done Larry! 33 1/3 Coffe Roasters is our own roaster. He selects the finest beans and roasts them just right for the perfect cup of coffee. He sells ground and beans for sale as well as a fresh overpoured cup! When we recommended Soup...Simply to rent from the RFM we knew she would be successful! The most delicious and nutritious soups you can get anywhere. So incredibly tasty! She will be selling two different kinds of hot soups with buns plus whatever you need to take home frozen. All of these wonderful meals are served out of the Market kitchen with tables and chairs set up in the front hall or Game's Room for your convenience.
Speaking of Market: Do NOT eat breakfast or lunch until you have tried the offerings from Going with the Grain, 33 1/3 Coffee, and Soup...Simply. Larry from Going with the Grain offers a variety of locally sourced breakfast items. The wild boar bacon from Golden Prairie Wild Boar has turned me into a convert! Wild Boar bacon it is! He bought from Farmgate Foods for eggs, Rocky Acres Orchards for spread, and his own fresh baked breads. Impressively done Larry! 33 1/3 Coffe Roasters is our own roaster. He selects the finest beans and roasts them just right for the perfect cup of coffee. He sells ground and beans for sale as well as a fresh overpoured cup! When we recommended Soup...Simply to rent from the RFM we knew she would be successful! The most delicious and nutritious soups you can get anywhere. So incredibly tasty! She will be selling two different kinds of hot soups with buns plus whatever you need to take home frozen. All of these wonderful meals are served out of the Market kitchen with tables and chairs set up in the front hall or Game's Room for your convenience.
Already we will start having full Markets. Tomorrow expect to see The Green Ranch (with chicken, beef, perhaps some carrots) and Laurel's Danish Pastries in. There are fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, and basil from Pusch Bros. Organic Farm. Eggs from Farmgate Foods, Ponderosa Alpacas, and Pusch Bros. Organic Farms. So much good food at 2900 13th Avenue (Cathedral Neighbourhood Center), 10 to 2! I better see you there. Yes, I know there is another big show in town but you can stop and see us first, right? Ada