Street Beets May 4th, 2013: Here we go to City Square Plaza today!

Wow, take a look at all these vendors! The amazing part is that there are some shared spots in there, Wednesday attenders and Saturday attenders. This is the map of what would happen if everyone showed up at the Market. We will top 100 vendor usages this year. New this year are Mobile Food Truckks. You can stop and have meal while you shop local! OUR NEW TIMES: 9am to 1pm, don't forget. Get your local earlier!
Attending their first Markets today are A Fudge Above the Rest, The Purple Hippo, Fishley's Farm, Salsa Fresca, Rock a Grill, Allison Caza with Gluten Free Baking, DnA Farms, Rusty's Wild Rice, Earth, Sun, You, and Vine Ripe Gardens. Regina Downtown Ambassadors will join us and give out coffee from Good Earth. St. Paul's Cathedral Strawberry Fair will be attending as our special guest selling flats of strawberries and tickets for flats. Hope to see you there, 9 to 1, City Square Plaza! Ada