Street Beets Oct. 10, 2015: LAST OUTDOOR MARKET, Thanksgiving & Goodbye George

Are you ready for your Thanksgiving feast? If not, we have everything you need...
We have your 20 lb turkey from Southland Colony. We have bread, celery, onions, sausage, apples, or whatever you put in your turkey stuffing. We have potatoes, turnips, squash, beets, carrots, and parsnips to accompany that big bird. If you want to keep it light with a salad, we have greens. You can tie all the flavours together with fresh herbs, because we have those, too. We have wine, vodka and whisky to please your guests. And, most importantly, we have your pumpkin pie!
Pumpkin pie isn't your thing? Fine. The Flour Shoppe will have #PumpkinEverything at her booth this Saturday only. Don't forget to order that turkey! Call Ben at (306) 784-7799.
Tomorrow (October 10th) will be the LAST OUTDOOR MARKET of 2015! Starting October 17th, we will be indoors at 2065 Hamilton St., Saturdays only, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The end of 2015 outdoor Markets is also the end of an era for vendors George and Judy Cooper of Krafty Kreations. You've likely noticed their colourful, cheery booth of woodwork at nearly every outdoor Market this year, and many previous years. George and Judy make a great team; Judy designs and paints while George cuts, assembles and attends the Market. We consider George to be one of our "Legacy Vendors" – the kind of vendor that has been around so long that we can't imagine a Market without him. Pictured here is a kit of wooden pieces for turning an ordinary pumpkin into a plump turkey. We'll miss you, George and Judy!
CLICK HERE to view the Market Map. Food trucks serving lunch on this last day on the Plaza will be: Mr. Spudd's Poutinerie, Soup Simply, Bon Burger, Nacho Fiesta, and Prairie Smoke. It's a full Plaza and it looks like all of your favourite vendors will be in attendance!
Have a Happy Turkey Day, and see you at Market!