Street Beets Oct. 17, 2015: First Indoor Market, Frontier Gardens, Fudge, & Market Map

When the Market moves indoors, some vendors are already finished for the season. Others, however, are just starting! A few vendors have too-busy summers and/or products that sell better closer to the holidays. Rousay Station, BarnCat Designs and Frontier Gardens are good examples. Frontier Gardens’ first Market of 2015 just so happens to be our first indoor Market at 2065 Hamilton St. Please stop by to say hello! Pictured here are some Frontier Gardens parsnips.
If you love Cuppa T’ ice cream, you’ll also love Cuppa T’ fudge! In an effort to come up with a winter-appropriate product (for some reason, ice cream just isn’t a big seller) Jule began experimenting with tea-infused fudge. I happened to be a lucky guinea pig, and I can tell you that it’s amazing. The tea flavour really stands out and it has the smooth texture of an old fashioned homemade fudge. I could keep talking about it, but you should see for yourself! This almond fudge may not be available, but there will be a variety of flavours on Jule’s table tomorrow.
Don't forget, you won't find us on the Plaza tomorrow, but we won't be too far away! We'll be at 2065 Hamilton St. for our first indoor Market of the season. Market hours are 9 am to 1 pm. Upstairs will be full of vendors and downstairs will be a pancake breakfast hosted by the WA WA Shriners. Pancakes, sausage, Over the Hill Orchards berry syrup, and coffee can be yours for a donation.
CLICK HERE to view the Market Map. No food trucks, but 33 1/3 Coffee Roasters will be serving hot coffee and tea. The Cookie Lady and Golden Prairie Wild Boar will be missing. Soup Simply, Lorraine's Kitchen and Dressed by Les will be in attendance, among many others.
See you at Market!