Street Beets Sept. 12th, 2015: Market Map, 40-Year Vendor and Sharon's Pies & More

2015 marks 40 years for RFM, and only one vendor has seen all 40. Rose Fishley has been here since the start of it all. She's been a reliable vendor, a fair saleswoman and even a forward-thinking Board member. Years have come and gone. Good growing seasons passed by along with the bad. New vendors came, old ones left. But Rose? She's a constant.
Rose offers all of the typical farmers' market veggies. They're the best she can grow, always fresh and always fairly priced. Right now, you'll also find these crab apples on her table. Please take the time to chat with Rose and congratulate her on 40 years...and counting!
What's the "more" in Sharon's Pies & More? Well, it's a lot! She has these wonderfully soft and chewy oatmeal date cookies, for one. Let's see what else I can list: cinnamon buns, cheese bread, poppyseed rolls, apricot almond cookies, puffed wheat cake, multigrain bread, spicy garlic bread, butter tarts, gingersnaps, saskatoon pie, every other kind of pie, bread with organic flour...I could keep going, but you should really find out for yourself! Visit Sharon at tomorrow's Market to see "more".
CLICK HERE to see the Market Map. Tomorrow will bring us 27 degrees and a full Plaza! Rousay Station and Mother Hubbard's Cupboard are in attendance. Sweet Miracle, Ottenbreit's Meats and The Flour Shoppe are back. It's getting close to the end of the season for Sharon's Pies & More, Kim's Fresh BC Fruit and Rebellion Brewing, so be sure to stop at those booths. Keep in mind that George Cooper of Krafty Kreations will be retiring at the end of this year!
See you at Market!