Street Beets September 28th, 2013: Too much to talk about? Yes!

Did we ever make a good call on cancelling the September 26th Market under the Stars! It was a strange rain too; misty, windy, and much of the day. We look forward to better weather on October 3rd for the next Market under the Stars. I am looking forward to this last one. We might just have a couple of surprises in the food and alcohol category. We have some Taste Judges coming in too to award the Taste Local prize. Regina Downtown is putting on Yoga, Tai Chi, and Salsa Dancing this time. Next year we hope to put on 6 total dates for this Special Event.
Some of you read the wonderful articles the Assistant Manager, Dee Kitsch, put up while I was gone. They were beautifully written of course. What she is really talented at is photography. I am decent enough at it, but she is amazing! I decided it would be a good idea to put her in charge of our Instagram. You should see the lovely pictures of food and products @reginafarmersmarket on IG! She could beat a magazine any day.

We have been nominated for the Best of 2013 Prairie Dog Magazine Award. We happen to think we are very deserving of the award for Best Public Event! We have had a great year with 12,000 to 15,000 people attending per Market. We break vendor number records several times, at one time hitting 73 vendors (the biggest Market we have ever run)! With the added Market Under The Stars special events we offered the public a beautiful evening tasting event. At 60 + event days a year we know how to offer you the best! I hope you vote for us!
In other news, we will be moving indoors soon. Our last day outdoors is October 19th. We then will begin two separate indoor Markets. One will be held at the University of Regina At the RIC Hallway and U of R Student Multi Purpose Room every Thursday starting on October 24th. We will continue our Markets at the Cathedral Neighbourhood Center on Saturdays starting on October 26th. The times for these Markets will be 9 to 1. It is hard to believe how fast and full this year has been. That's all for today! Ada.