This Week at RFM: Saturday, Jan. 25
Thanks to those who attended the Indoor Farmers Market last week!
Here are the details for this weeks’ Indoor Market:
Saturday, Jan. 25 from 9am-2pm
At the Core Ritchie Neighborhood Centre: 445 14th Ave, Regina, SK
Weather Forecast: high: +4 degrees low: -6 degrees (Weather as of Jan. 22)
Indoor Winter Markets:
This is our 2nd year hosting Indoor Winter Markets at the Core Ritchie Neighborhood Centre and we are pleased to offer local, quality products from our Saskatchwan Vendors.
Kid- Friendly
(1) FREE Kids Craft
Bring your kids on Saturday mornings! Each Saturday we have space set up for:
- FREE Kids Craft of the week
- A selection of food vendors who offer tasty samples
(2) FREE Guided Storytime
Down the hall our neighbor, Regina Public Library (Prince of Wales Branch) offer
- “Saturday Storytime at the Regina Farmers’ Market”
This program is for families. Come and enjoy stories, songs, rhymes and other fun activities”
Storytime’s start: 9:45am, 10:30am, and 11:15am
- Don’t forget to pick up your weekend reading materials while you’re here!
(3) FREE Skating!
Outside the Community Centre there is a FREE Outdoor Skating Rink! Have some fun skating around and enjoying the beautiful weather, then head inside to the Farmers Market for a fresh bite to eat and a friendly hello!
Weekly Vendor Special Menu:
Each week, Kathleen of Nana K’s British Pies assembles a warm served menu in collaboration with a Feature Farmers Market Vendor.
This week’s vendor feature is: Paperback Beverage Company of Southey, SK
Nana K’s British Menu is rumored to feature Pulled Pork with Paperback Beverage Company’s BBQ sauce, in her turnovers. Another favorite Paperback product is their hot sauce! Come try yours this Saturday!
Produce, Veggies, and Crafts:
We are very proud to provide fresh produce at the Winter Markets. Thanks to hydroponic greenhouses, Floating Gardens is able to send in fresh, Sask-grown greens and assorted veggies from outside Saskatoon. Additionally we have farmers that are willing to share their root vegetable supply and offer a variety of veggies in the winter!
In addition to our veggies, we are grateful to have vendors offering their preserved farm goods, premium protein cuts, and the condiments to go alongside. Definitely make an effort to sample some jerky, pick up your eggs, and get your protein to cook for the week. We have vendors with home recipes and sauces to ignite your taste buds.
Another niche of the market is our bakery items. We have a variety of vendors offering loaves of bread, buns, cinnamon buns, cookies, pastries, assorted baking, and other delicious treats! Baking is their specialty, and there is a reason they have weekly regulars stopping in to pick-up these fresh products. We’ll leave it up to you to choose your favorite.
The market is also home to many local artisans who feature their handmade crafts, jewelry, and products. Typically you can expect to find chemical free soaps, lotions, bath bombs, photography booths, jewelry, and candles, among other craft specialties.
Flok Rewards:
Jan. 25 Reward:
We have recently learned the Flok app has made the business decision to sell their service exclusively to another Website. This means as of March 1, 2020 the Regina Farmers' Market and our shoppers will no longer have access to the Flok App as it will be deactivated on this date.
We would like to thank you in advance for your patience with this change of service moving forward. We want to give you as much notice as possible and urge you to attend the Indoor Markets to redeem the Flok Rewards you have already earned, or are close to earning.
From now and until Saturday, Feb. 29 we will operate the collection and distribution of Flok Rewards as normal. Additionally, we will send future reminders to use your Rewards before the March 1 deactivation date.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change in Flok Service, please do not hesitate to e-mail us directly, [email protected] or visit us in person at the RFM Welcome Table on Saturday’s at the Market.
The Regina Farmers’ Market Team
Mobile Vendor Applications now open!
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Mobile Unit/ Food Truck Vendor with the Regina Farmers' Market, the application window is now open!
To Apply fill out the online application on the website or at the link attached below:
All questions to be sent to [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you at Saturday's Market!