This Week at the RFM (Oct 9 & Oct 12)

This is the LAST WEEK for Outdoor Markets! Find us on the Plaza for the LAST TIMES in 2019 on Wednesday, October 9 and Saturday, October 12 from 9 am to 1 pm. On Saturday October 19 we move to our indoor location at the Core Ritchie Neighbourhood Centre, which is the home of the farmers' markets until the end of April.
Click the dates below to visit our Market Calendar and see a Market Map complete list of scheduled vendors (updated the evening before market):
Sun, sleet and flurries... and everything in between!
October in Saskatchewan is a volatile time to hold outdoor farmers’ markets! From day to day it can range from beautiful sunny t-shirt weather to blowing snow and sleet. You just never know what you’re going to get.
So perhaps it’s fitting that the LAST week of outdoor markets in 2019 will have some of everything. At tomorrow’s last Wednesday market of the year (Oct 9), we’re expecting to arrive to snow on the ground. Yet arrive we will! If you want to witness the definition of hardcore, pop by the market tomorrow morning to see which of our vendors are the most fearless in the face of flurries! (And make sure you leave with a bagful of goodies so they know their journey in wasn’t in vain!)
We’re hoping for better luck at our LAST Outdoor Market of the year this Saturday (Oct 12)… it should be warmer, and with luck the sun will be shining! Saturday is your chance to load up on everything you need for your Thanksgiving feast, and help us celebrate the end of another fabulous outdoor market season.
And then we make the welcome move to the cozy Core Ritchie Neighbourhood Centre, our indoor home for Saturday markets from October 19 to the end of April. We’ll be bringing heaps of seasonal Sask grown food to our indoor space, and we hope to see you there!
What’s In Season RIGHT Now (And Where Can I Find It)?
Roots, roots & more roots! It’s root vegetable season, when our farmers have to dig a little deeper (literally) to bring you their bounty. Right now at the market, look for parsnips, beets, potatoes, carrots, garlic, and onions… and don’t be shy to ask your farmers which are the best keepers so you can buy in bulk!
Pumpkins & Squash – from Kabocha to Spaghetti, Acorn to Butternut, we have a squash to suit every taste. Now is the perfect time to enjoy summer squash this week (think zucchini) or store winter squash for January (think Kabocha)! Visit Lincoln Gardens (pictured above) and all our veggie producers to find your favourite.
Pears & plums – Make sure to stock up on pears and plums this week, because Kim's Fresh Fruit doesn't join us at Indoor Markets!
We Move Inside On October 19!
There are only two more outdoor markets left before we move indoors to the Core Ritchie Neighbourhood Centre. Starting October 19, join us indoor every Saturday until the end of April!