Unsung Heroes - RFM Vendor's Busy Making a Difference

RFM Vendors Responding to COVID-19
Our strongest asset at the Regina Farmers’ Market is our people. Give them a Global Pandemic, and our local vendors pull through and innovate in huge ways to contribute to Flattening the Curve. We would like to use this space to acknowledge three of our unsung RFM heroes that are too busy contributing to advertise the magnitude of their kind actions.
(1) Last Mountain Distillery:
Owner Meredith Schmidt has used her distillery to locally produce Hand Sanitizer. Given their limited supplies, they have prioritized providing distribution to front line medical staff and emergency workers only. See their post below and let them know how much their efforts are appreciated:
Link to Facebook Post - Last Mountain Distillery
(2) Dressed by Les:
Owner Lesley, has switched gears and has been busy creating face masks for donation to frontline healthcare providers. To be clear, these are not for retail purchase, they are for donation. Share your support for Lesley with kind words below, and support her online business. (If you search her page, there is also a GiveAway Contest underway!)
Link to Facebook Post- Dressed by Les
(3) Smooth 42 Craft Distillery:
New as a business and to the Regina Farmers’ Market this year, owners Adam, Daniel, and Sacha of Smooth 42 Craft Distillery, locally operate in Brownlee, SK. Similar to other RFM local distilleries, Smooth 42 has shifted their craft distillery production into producing hand sanitizer for the local frontline workers of COVID-19.
Yesterday, Smooth 42 announced they have donated over $75,000 worth of hand sanitizer to frontline workers, within SK.
As an overwhelming demand for their hand sanitizer continues to pour in both locally and nationally, paired with their personal five-figure investment into operations of creating and donating hand sanitizer, the crew at Smooth 42 sadly announced they have reached capacity to continue operating on a 100% product donation model. Determined to continue providing this essential product, Smooth 42 has reconfigured a new model and is now asking for the community’s help to continue running their full-time hand-sanitizer production operations safely.
In order to continue operating safely Smooth 42 requires:
• Expanding their operating space and completing their building renovation. This is to keep employees safe with enough space for distancing implementations.
• Accepting wholesale ordering for frontline workers and businesses ONLY. Due to the demand, Smooth 42 is continuing to prioritize front line workers need for this product.
• Affording the expenses they have incurred to produce and donate hand sanitizer at cost.
Smooth 42 has paused their regular distribution of specialty craft products to focus on what they believe is their ethical duty to produce hand sanitizer in this global time of need. Less than two weeks ago they began a GoFundMe campaign asking for help to afford their hand sanitizer production costs, and sanitation expansion. They currently have the tools and ingredients they need to produce more hand sanitizer, however, right now their focus is on providing a safe working environment for their staff.
Of course this isn’t the a normal vendor introduction for us at the RFM, but these aren’t normal circumstances.
Smooth 42, we look forward to hosting you at the Farmers’ Market once it is safe to do so. In the meantime, well done and thank-you for your contributions to the Saskatchewan frontline workers, you’re contributions have not gone unnoticed!
Below are the ways you can help support Smooth 42 produce Hand Sanitizer:
(1) Contribute to + Share their GoFundMe Page to help afford continued production
Link to GoFundMe Page
(2) Purchase their hand sanitizer for frontline workers and businesses with e-mails ordered to: [email protected]
(*Minimum 10 case order at wholesale pricing)
(3) Be sure to check out and share their post below:
Link to Facebook Post - Smooth 42
*For your reference, Smooth 42’s "Cre8" hand sanitizer product meets the guidelines and recipe criteria put forth by the World Health Organization recipe: hand sanitizer formula #1.