Vendor Spotlight: Peregrine Farms

This week our vendor spotlight is on Peregrine Farm.
Peregrine Farm has been making the nearly two hour drive from their homestead near Wishart, SK to the Regina Farmers’ Market for over two seasons now. Each week they bring along their most popular market product – pasture raised, free-roaming, and GMO, hormone, and antibiotic free chicken.
Jeff from Peregrine Farm says he first introduced poultry into his farm to provide fertility for his garden and before he knew it, his chicken became one of his farm’s most popular products.
Peregrine Farm also brings raw unpasteurized honey to the Regina Farmers’ Market and noted that he’ll have fresh batches at the upcoming markets through September. Be sure to stop by for some fresh-from-the-hive honey while supplies last.
While Jeff states the online options currently available throughout the pandemic have been helpful for business, his favorite element of the Regina Farmers’ Market is having the opportunity to talk to those who come out weekly to shop. The Peregrine Farm booth will be set up at the upcoming Open Air markets so come out the market and make Jeff’s week by stopping to say ‘hi!’.