What to Expect at 2020 Open-Air Markets?

Welcome to 2020 Open-Air Markets at City Square Plaza!
Our mission is to keep local food accessible within our community in a safe environment. You can find us at:
2190 Victoria Avenue at City Square Plaza.
Wednesdays + Saturday’s June 20 - Oct. 10 | 9am - 1pm
City Square Plaza | 2190 Victoria Ave
Downtown Regina
Due to COVID-19, our 2020 Market Season looks a little different this year. After creating a plan that abides by the Government of Sask. Economic Re-Open plan, the City of Regina, and the Saskatchewan Health Authority criteria, we are currently offering open-air markets with some modifications.
Here’s what you can expect at our 2020 Markets:
- The Market is taped off and there are x2 entrance/exit points along 12th Ave. to monitor market foot-traffic.
- Entrance #1: Scarth St. Entrance (Corner of Scarth St. and 12th Ave.)
- Entrance #2: Lorne St. Entrance (Corner of Lorne St. and 12th Ave.)
- The essentials of veggies, fresh fruit, baking, and more are available, however to incorporate physical distancing, our Open-Air Markets will be smaller markets compared to previous years.
- There is a one-way flow of traffic in the market indicated with arrows on the ground with a turn around point. (Counter Clock-wise direction).
- You will be greeted with a friendly welcome at the entrance and a complimentary spritz of hand sanitizer.
- Facemasks, we strongly encourage wearing them to the Regina Farmers’ Market. Our standpoint is wearing a facemask is a pro-active demonstration of kindness for others. We understand fabric, handmade facemasks are accessible and if possible, we encourage the wearing of them as a courtesy to others attending the market.
- A limited amount of customers will be allowed into the market at one time.
- Vendor tents are spaced at least 6ft between one another to allow room for physical distancing.
- Vendors have been asked to serve you. We ask you to please refrain from touching vendor products to uphold our sanitation protocols.
- Digital Tap payments are preferred. Many of our Vendors offer Tap Payment, and there is an ATM on site for those who rely on cash transactions.
- When possible, plan to shop solo and leave the family at home.
- Plan to come to the market with extra time to spare. We have slowed down the pace of our markets and our intention is to ensure everyone has space and time to get what they need.
- If you are sick or displaying any symptoms of illness specifically related to COVID-19, please stay home and self-isolate. We look forward to welcoming you when you are well and in good health
- Please remember to Wash your Hands!
Not Ready to Attend the Market?
No problem! Check out our RFM Online Store with Distribution on Saturdays.
We offer three convenient options for receiving your weekly order:
1) Contactless Home Delivery
2) Drive-Through Pick-Up at Douglas Park (3025 McDonald St.)
3) Foot Traffic Pick-Up at City Square Plaza (2190 Victoria Ave)
Click the Link Below for Online Store Details: https://reginafarmersmarket.localfoodmarketplace.com/Index