Check-in: Saturday, March 28

Happy Anniversary Sweets by Tsina!
This week our own vendor Judith of Sweets by Tsina celebrated her one year anniversary as a vendor of the Regina Farmers’ Market! We love her macarons and her weekly friendly hello’s we get to see at the Farmers' Market. Congratulations on your first year with the RFM Judith, we are very proud of all the work you have done, and can’t wait to be back hosting you!
Vendor Contesting this week:
(a) Julia and Lucas of Little Victory Candles are offering the chance to win one of their luxury soy candles, and Joie accessories. See their Instagram for how to win
Contest Draw Date: Friday, March 27

(B) Angela’s Own: Chance to win a Free French Onion Soup Gift Basket! See their Facebook Page for how to win.
Winner announced: Monday, March 30

(C) Jamie of Amber Rayne Designs is offering a chance to win a Free Chakra necklace! See Amber Rayne Designs on social media for contest details!
Winner announced: Sunday, March 29

LIVE Vendor Directory Page:
Many of our vendors understand the community relies on them as an essential grocery provider. Despite being unable to meet at the Regina Farmers’ Market, many vendors have stepped up and are offering the community safe pick-up and delivery options for their products. Click link below to our LIVE Vendor Directory page to place your orders with participating farmers and vendors.
Regina Farmers Market LIVE Vendor Page
Welcoming Spring:
Despite being asked to stay home, we are beginning to transiiton out of winter and welcome Spring in Saskatchewan! This week Pam Miller of Miller's By-gone Farm gave us a sneak peak of what spring looks like at her home outside of Whitewood. Although busy and working at home, Pam is one of our farmers who is offering safe Regina Pick-up for her goods including hand soap, farm eggs, lamb products, and more. Reach out directly to have your farm fresh products this week!

Weekly Wrap up:
As most of you already know, this Saturday, March 28 our Indoor Regina Farmers’ Market has been cancelled in response to COVID-19. As always, our intentions are to provide a safe and quality market for you. For now we encourage you to stay at home, wash your hands, and be kind, as we all work towards the common goal of Global Health. We look forward to hosting you again soon! Stay tuned, good things are in the works for our next time together!