Protecting Local Food: Why Proposed Changes to Saskatchewan’s Food Safety Regulations Threaten Small Farmers and Consumers

Protecting Local Food: Why Proposed Changes to Saskatchewan’s Food Safety Regulations Threaten Small Farmers and Consumers

The Regina Farmers’ Market (RFM) is calling on our community to speak out against a proposed regulatory change that could ban the sale of farm-fresh eggs at farmers’ markets in Saskatchewan. If passed, this amendment would significantly impact local farmers, limit consumer choice, and set a dangerous precedent for the future of small-scale food production in our province.

What’s Happening?

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to The Food Safety Regulations, which govern food sales, handling, and distribution across the province. The most concerning change, Amendment 6, would modify Section 22 by reclassifying farmers’ market vendors as “food distributors.” This change would require that all food sold by these vendors come from “approved sources.”

While this might sound like a minor adjustment, the impact on small-scale farmers is major: ungraded farm eggs, which have been safely sold at farmers’ markets for decades, are not considered an “approved source.” This means that, if passed, the amendment would immediately prohibit farmers’ market vendors from selling their farm-fresh eggs at farmers’ markets or other boutique retailers.

Why This Matters

This amendment is not based on new food safety concerns or evidence of risk. Instead, it introduces unnecessary regulatory barriers that will disproportionately impact small farmers while benefiting large grocery chains and industrial food suppliers.

For decades, Saskatchewan consumers have been able to buy fresh, locally produced eggs directly from farmers at markets just like the RFM. Existing food safety regulations already require proper handling and refrigeration of these eggs. Farmers’ markets offer a unique experience for consumers to shop directly from the producers of their food. Farmers’ market vendors provide arguably the highest level of traceability and accountability – allowing consumers a window into knowing exactly where their food comes from and how it was produced.

If these changes go through:

  • Local farmers will lose an important source of income, threatening their ability to stay in business.
  • Consumers will have fewer choices when it comes to buying fresh, high-quality, locally sourced food.
  • Saskatchewan’s local food economy will suffer, with more food dollars funneled toward large grocery chains rather than staying in our communities.
  • Food security will be weakened, making it harder for residents to access fresh, local food.

At a time when many people are choosing to support Canadian producers and strengthen local food security, these proposed changes do the opposite.

How You Can Help

The Government of Saskatchewan is currently collecting public feedback on these proposed amendments through an online survey, which closes on April 2, 2025. If you believe in supporting small farmers and protecting consumer choice, now is the time to take action!

Take These Steps:

  1. Complete the survey and make your voice heard. Oppose Amendment 6 and support the continued sale of farm-fresh eggs at farmers’ markets. Take the survey HERE.
  2. Spread the word: Share this information with your family, friends, and community members. Encourage them to fill out the survey and stand up for local food producers.
  3. Contact your MLA: Download our letter template HERE to express your concerns about the impact of these changes on local farmers and food security in Saskatchewan.

More information about the proposed amendments can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan website by clicking HERE.