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Betty Hutton: Our Past Manager

Thirteen years ago I met Betty Hutton. She was the Manager of the Regina Farmers' Market and I was the Cathedral Arts Festival Street Fair Coordinator. Every year the Street Fair sets aside a number of spots at the Angus and 13th Avenue intersection for Market Members. In Regina there aren't...

Street Beets December 3rd, 2012: Outstanding Achievements of RFM Members!

Does our Market pick the very best applications? I remember when this application came in late 2009. I told the Board of the RFM flat out that I would be very upset if they said no! Thank goodness they didn’t for this Member became popular, offered a high quality product, and strives to...

Street Beets November 24th, 2012: Award Winning Honey, Feta, and Honey Cinnamon Liqueur.

Posted in organic

Zee Bee is excited to share their results from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Honey Show. Here is what what Michelle wrote: We thought we had some great honey this year so decided to ship some off to Toronto and try our luck at the Honey Show.  We entered two classes : Class 1 – Liquid...

Street Beets October 13th, 2012: Last outdoor Market on 12th and our food is Gold Medal worthy!

Today is our last Market outdoors on 12th & Scarth. We will have lots of vendors out and the weather looks good. Remember we go indoors Saturdays only to 2900 13th Avenue, the Cathedral Neighbourhood Center, 9:30 to 1:30 starting October 20th, 2012. We offer breakfast, coffee, and hot...