Latest Blog Posts
Street Beets May 5th, 2015: Map and more Food Trucks!
Tomorrow you can have pulled pork to your heart's content, nachos, burgers, soup, sandwiches, poutine... Yes, you heard me right, Prairie Smoke & Spice, Nacho Fiesta, and Bon Burger are back. Mr. Spudds Poutiniere and Soup...simply had an awesome day on Saturday. Quite frankly they were run...
Street Beets May 1st, 2015: We're back on the Plaza! Salads, Apple Moon Shine, and Food Trucks
Tomorrow my tummy will be full of real tasting tomatoes from Kangro Garden, Rainbow Quinoa Salad from Soup...Simply, and Smoked Bacon Poutine from Mr. Spudds Poutiniere. That won't be all of my shopping either. Life could not be better! Seriously. You may think I am jaded, I work here after all....
2015 Regina Farmers' Market Media Release: 40th Anniversary Year!
Here we go! There has been lots of anticipation in the lead up to our opening Plaza Market on May 2nd, 2015! This is our 40th Anniversary year. Can you believe how different our Market has become over the years? From five booths to 120 vendors this year. From a small area to three city...
Street Beets April 24th, 2015: Last Indoor Spring Market!
I don't know how this crept up on us so fast, but here we are at the last Spring Downtown Indoor Market! Nikko Snyder (new Operations Manager) and I have been working so hard on getting ready for the Outdoor Plaza Markets. So let's get the dates out of the way shall we? Spring...
Street Beets April 17th, 2015: Beautiful Bread, Beef, & Goat Cheese. Plus Vendor Map!
If you regularly attend the Markets you know the most beautiful products can be bought there. When I think of the time and love that goes into a simple loaf of bread made by Ashley from Saltine Baking Company, it makes it even more lovely to behold. And eating sandwiches with it....
Street Beets April 10th, 2015: Spring is in the air!
Hello everyone! All that snow has melted, thank goodness! It's hard to believe it is only three weeks away until this happens: Yes, we will be having Plaza Markets starting May 2nd, and then we will be right back into our Wednersday and Saturday schedule. Lots of phone calls and e-mails come...
Street Beets April 4th, 2015: Easter is Upon Us!
Today my kids and I dyed a whole bunch of eggs. My fingers were many different colours! It was so much fun. My little Mini Me is starting to enjoy photography. Here is a shot of a whole colander of eggs she took earlier. Quite the arty little lady! Our new Operations Manager, Nikko Snyder,...
Street Beets March 28th, 2015: Vendor map & Musings of a Manager
I haven't been online much this week. There has been some meeting preparations! Not much Social Media work. This about to change a great deal. I will be taking over my role as Marketing Manager soon. It'll be nice to use my creative mind a bit more. A new Operations Manager will start at the...
Street Beets March 20th, 2014: Easter Eggs, New Vendors & Products in this Week.
Everyone was pretty shocked to wake up to lots of snow on the first day of Spring! This better melt by Easter. It is way too easy to find coloured eggs in the snow! By the way there are three vendors providing eggs to the Market tomorrow: Miller's By-Gone Farm, Ponderosa Alpaca, and...
Street Beets March 14th, 2015: Beautiful Weather, Awesome Products, and a Vendor Map!
It is only our second Market of 2015! People are so happy we are back, and seem to love the new Downtown location at the Shrine Center. Of course we have changed our times 9am to 1pm. I noticed not as many customers came in for the first hour. Then it started getting busy. Thank you so much...
Street Beets March 7th, 2015: We're Back and Vendor Map!
Our break is over. Time to get into the swing of things and start another awesome year. I think we were feeling quite impatient to get back to having Markets. There were lots of customers in touch wanting their favourite vendors goods! Every Market I hope to post a map of the vendors, so...
2015 Spring Downtown Markets Media Release!
Here we go again! We are about to start another fabulous year of Regina Farmers' Market! Spring Downtown Markets are opening soon. Come see us at 2065 Hamilton Street (the Shrine Center), every Saturday, March 7th to April 25th, 9am to 1pm. There is FREE parking at the SaskPower Parking lot...
Stuart Fishley: Life at Market
When we lose one of our Members, it affects the whole Market family. On Thursday, January 15th, 2015 we lost our longest ever attending Member of the Market, Stuart Fishley of Fishley Farms. Stuart and Rose Fishley joined the Market on May 12th, 1975, the first day of Regina Farmers' Market....
Operations Manager Job Posting
Hello eveyone! Lots of big changes are happening at the Market. I will be moving into Management of Marketing for RFM and our Assistant Manager has retired from the Market. Now we need someone to run the business! This is an amazing job for an individual that loves local, people, and wants a...
December 20th Vendor Map!
Big map this week, click here to get the pdf! That's all folks, for 2014. Market at 2065 Hamilton Street runs 10am to 2pm. Thank you for all your support this year! We will be back at the Shriner Center on March 7th, 2015. We will be changing the times to be the same throughout the whole...
Street Beets December 12th, 2014: Invasion of the Poultry and Gingerbread
Here is the map for December 13th, 2014 so you can see if your favorite vendor is in! Reminder! Southland Colony is coming in this one time only with turkeyys, chickens, ducks, and geese for your seasoanl table. Excellent poultry! Please see the last article for prices. They will also a great...
Street Beets December 5th, 2014: Poultry, Map, & Kids' Club
We begin December Markets! Here is the map of the vendors for December 6th Market at 2065 Hamilton Street, 10am to 2pm. I like to know where to find things when I go shopping, hopefully this is helpful to you! Kids’ Club this week will be writing and decorating letters for Santa. You get to take...
Street Beets November 1st, 2014: Vendor Map and Kids' Club
Regina, thank you! You supported our new space at the Shrine Center in droves! It was great to see so many of you out and in the building for the first time. Check out this week's map to see if your favorite vendors are in! As an event planner for lots of years, you'll hear me asking people...
University of Regina Markets start Thursday, October 2nd, 2014!
We are back for our second season at the University of Regina Research and Innovation Center Atrium! We decided on an early start to provide local goods to the students and staff of the U of R was a good idea, especially as we end early for exams and winter break. It’ll be great to see the...
Plaza Markets continue until October 11th, Wednesdays and Saturdays!
A reminder that we continue outdoors at City Square Plaza, 12th Avenue & Scarth Street until October 11th. We like to have our last Outdoor Market just before Thanksgiving as many of you like to put local on your table for this gathering. We had a good Market this Wednesday! We were so thankful...
NEW SPACE! Big Announcement about Indoor Markets!
We do have Markets after the Plaza Outdoor Market Season is over on October 11th, 2014. We have been at the Cathedral Neighbourhood Center on Saturdays for seven years now in the winter and spring. Unfortunately while we loved the neighbourhood, we were running out of space. I could see...
Celebrity Corn on the Cob Eating Contest: August 27th
At our last outdoor Market under the Stars, Wednesday, August 27th we will have our first ever Corn on the Cob Eating Competition. We are so proud to have one of our local Market growers, Lincoln Gardens, provide the delicious fresh corn for this event. The corn will be cooked by the...
2014 Celebrity Poutine Eating Competition
At the August 13th Market under the Stars we will have our first ever Poutine Eating Competition. As you know Poutine is an iconic Canadian food and we are so proud to have the most successful Market food Truck Mr. Spudds Poutiniere provide the delicious Poutine for this event. Thank you for...
Slight Change of Location for Folk Fest Day on August 9th, 2014!
Hello everyone! We have signs that say we are located at 12th & Scarth for Plaza Markets. Well, we will still be at 12th & Scarth! Regina Folk Festival has a group of Art Marketers who will be setting up on the Plaza starting Friday and staying until Sunday. So we are moving to 1900 Block...
Celebrity Cinnamon Bun Eating Contest
We have never done a Celebrity Cinnamon Bun Eating Contest before! This should be interesting. We have 7 contestants ready to go, famous for so many reasons. Mostly they are famous in my mind because they would actually agree to join this contest. What makes them want to do these eating contests...